Driveway is an online car retailer that puts you in complete control of the car sale experience. It's easy to get your vehicle cash offer, schedule a pick up from your home and get paid instantly!


The Challenge

Sellers are abandoning their decision to sell their vehicles at various touch points of the onboarding experience. Investigate what is causing abandonment and optimize the vehicle sell and trade-in experience with new solutions to reduce the drop off of high intent sellers.  

My Role

Lead UXUI designer responsible for multiple high impact feature builds and qualitative user research. I fostered a collaborative ownership with cross functional team partners through design critiques, workshops, and white boarding.  Conducted stakeholder presentations to get projects moving from concept to release.

Collaborated with multiple designers, product managers, and engineers.


Landing Page Redesign

The first optimization project was a redesign of the landing page to resolve user pain points regarding security, process, and competitive offers. We aimed to enhance the initial impact of the landing page, strategically shaping it to captivate the customer and encourage them to explore more. The original page did not communicate the value and benefits effectively.

The final design was chosen after a series of internal design critiques and A/B testing. There was an increase in account creation and conversion after the redesign release.

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Self Scheduling

A scheduling application was built to provide full control of the home pick up or dealership location appointment times. The interface was designed to be consistent with our design system patterns and personalized with geolocation services for assisted task completion.

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Document Upload

The document uploader was built to replace the original method of exchanging paperwork through overnight mail services. This was a major pain point that complicated the seller and business experience.

Research taught us that missing signatures and personal info always delayed the final steps of a vehicle sale. We prioritized features to accelerate the paperwork process through instant notifications of document discrepancies and status indicators of paperwork progress.

The document uploader was received with great enthusiasm because it empowers sellers to upload documents and vehicle photos on their own time. This functionality also helped achieve business goals by dramatically saving the company $100,000+ in shipping fee costs by eliminating overnight document deliveries.

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Instant Payments

We designed a payment system with US Bank to instantly pay customers for selling their vehicles online. Sellers previously had to wait several days to receive their payment checks in person. There were many moments of frustration. The partnership provided the extra assurance of security and credibility to our sellers.

Earlier research revealed that this was another major friction point for customers and the business as well considering how many factors could extend the payment process. A/B tests and data analytics were used to validate our proposed flows because of the complicated security interactions that only the real product could provide.

We successfully released the payment system with some notable mentions recognizing our team's hard work.

Driveway becomes first online car dealership to pay customers via real-time payments -
Driveway's new 'real-time payment' option available 24/7 could give them competitive advantage-
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User Interviews

I collaborated with our talented researcher Amy C. to interview 20 participants for qualitative and quantitative onboarding studies through Dscout's online research platform.

Learning Objectives

  • Will increased onboarding reduce scheduled inspections?
  • What are user preferences for account creation & uploading documents?
  • What do sellers find frustrating in account creation & onboarding?
  • How to improve the experience to reduce drop off of high intent sellers?

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Primary User Defined

A Primary Customer Archetype - persona document was created to simplify and synthesize the information we gathered from the 20 interview participants. The documentation was created with the following 3 exercises:

  1. Affinity mapped the observations to highlight goals, attitudes & behaviors.
  2. Identified behavioral variables & trade-off spectra by mapping interviewers.
  3. Identified patterns to create a primary customer archetype.
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Journey Map Key Findings

Most sellers wanted to complete everything in the same session, if they determined the offer was the best deal. Sellers appreciate doing everything on their own.
Sellers were hesitant to share a mobile phone number and also considered abandoning the process.
Security was a concern since they're not familiar with the brand. It would prevent most from sharing personal information.
Many sellers say they don’t consider trading in their vehicles because they believe it will be a lower offer. Sellers are unaware that sell vs trade-in cash offers are equal.
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Task Analysis

High level flowcharts were used to visualize all the possible flows within the sell and trade experience. The flowchart also helped plan for our design strategy to prioritize and discuss feasibility with the development team for roadmap progress.

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  • Optimizing the entire “Sell & Trade-In“ experience helped me learn how to manage an aggressive 9 month roadmap of highly impactful features and exercise lean UX design. Facilitating collaborations early and often to focus on the problem statement was important for the team to move quickly through iterations. I gained a lot of personal experience leading meetings to achieve desired outcomes and articulate our customers' needs into the process. I had to think beyond design and learn a depth of empathy for our engineers.
  • The easiest solution was the most impactful improvement. It proves that micro and macro observations are important for exploring ideas. We learned that most vehicle sellers are comparison shoppers that constantly use fake contact information. We did an A/B test of simply moving the email and phone contact form after the vehicle cash offer page which resulted in a major increase for quality leads. Vehicle sellers have been given an incentive to provide real information when they're offered a cash offer first. All additional requests for personal information before the cash offer page was also removed which improved task completion rates.


  • User retention increased by 32%
  • Drop off at account creation step decreased by 30%
  • Fewer fake accounts. Quality accounts increased by 80%
  • Number of scheduled inspections increased 50%
  • Number of canceled scheduled inspections decreased 70%