Nike is the largest apparel brand in the world with software challenges that continue to quickly evolve with the company's growth. We built a merchandise data manager within an enterprise tool that global employees depend on for their daily tasks.


The Challenge

Employees need to improve how they monitor and react to merchandise alerts data within one tool. Tedious and manual alternatives became the standard process as employees outgrew the existing software’s original functionality.

My Role

Lead designer responsible for UXUI and research for enterprise software that supports our global employees. Facilitate collaborative workshops and stakeholder alignment.

Design Solutions

Grid Layout

The solution is a holistic view of the merchandise data on a grid layout that closely resembles the documents used within the organization. The grid displays data in a seamless format that can easily be translated across the organization while providing new functionality for the power user. The display can be customized to surface information that is useful for each individual's reporting needs and improve scanning ability.

The layout uses a series of containers, rows, and 8 category columns. Each container includes unique scrollable content according to its category properties. This is a powerful data display that automates hours of manual tasks to create merchandise reports.

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Dynamic Content

Thousands of merchandise is easily scannable with a scrollable grid designed to be enhanced with filters and personalized settings. The grid is a combination of innovative data displays and standard document layouts to familiarize user expectations.

Constraints: Horizontal scrolling was used to fit the 8 associated categories along the screen. Existing product constraints forced us to display the grid content within a fixed window which introduced 2 overlapping scroll actions. The team and I decided that it was worth the compromise considering the value this tool presented during usability tests.

Dynamic scrolling provides quick scanning and management of merchandise data in one screen

Research revealed multiple alert management and edit opportunities that could improve task workflows. We built the following feature enhancements to empower user capabilities.

  1. Alerts Filter enhances data organization & discoverability.
  2. Category Features include unique content for each column to summarize its complex data. Key info is surfaced.
  3. Information Flyout is an expanded view of alert history.

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Custom Profile Settings

Profile Settings to create multiple default grid views. Usability tests revealed that employees need to apply different filter and data combinations depending on the report but it's difficult to manually adjust the variances every time. Profile settings allow users to modify the grid to their personal preference for a quicker and accessible analysis of the alerts.

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Identify & Prioritize User Needs

A Mind Map was made to visualize the synthesis of user interview data and feature requests. The mind map also influenced the design strategy for prioritization and level of effort. We were able to quickly understand what the problems was, engage in discussion, and analyze for feasibility based on the non linear insights of the mind map.

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Wireframe Usability Tests

Prototypes of low fidelity wireframes were used to validate usability and test new concepts to determine their value. Prototypes helped make improvements for filter and data organization interactions. We learned too many design patterns were introduced that increased cognitive load which made the app feel complicated.

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Research 4

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  • This was an excellent opportunity for me to understand the complexity of data and simplifying the information for a visual interface story. I learned how to align on the key success indicators from a combination of business and product metrics.
  • Prototype tests do not completely reveal user satisfaction. Data analytics gave us tremendous insight about real user behavior to determine the longevity of the features available in real time.
  • Considering the 80% adoption rate, some employees were still using the old methods to complete their work. This was a disruption in the standard workflow so it was normal for others to respond slower. Documentation and open training sessions facilitated by me and team leaders were essential for building user momentum.


  • The alert manager was released with an immediate 80% adoption rate as it replaced hours of manual processes riddled with user errors.
  • 60% increase in system performance when we introduced alert debt management through auto and manual selection delete functionality.
  • We surprisingly received applause during our first presentation of the high fidelity mockups. Employees were ecstatic about the intuitive interface and how much time could be saved with the tool.